all postcodes in SG19 / SANDY

find any address or company within the SG19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG19 2AA 7 0 52.120834 -0.277177
SG19 2AB 18 1 52.114533 -0.271768
SG19 2AD 2 0 52.127489 -0.277059
SG19 2AE 18 1 52.140379 -0.300338
SG19 2AF 18 6 52.147587 -0.301547
SG19 2AG 3 1 52.130877 -0.301737
SG19 2BW 2 0 52.155367 -0.305264
SG19 2AH 1 0 52.142881 -0.299264
SG19 2AL 1 0 52.154909 -0.309952
SG19 2AN 45 2 52.161654 -0.301845
SG19 2AQ 3 2 52.149617 -0.2971
SG19 2AS 2 1 52.172357 -0.301825
SG19 2AT 6 1 52.163561 -0.305077
SG19 2AU 32 0 52.170797 -0.296577
SG19 2AW 5 1 52.167001 -0.303301
SG19 2AX 37 0 52.170417 -0.292269
SG19 2AY 46 0 52.170604 -0.287846
SG19 2AZ 9 0 52.17126 -0.283251
SG19 2BA 7 0 52.171392 -0.276482
SG19 2BD 1 1 52.167917 -0.297849